Software Development
In house or outsourced Software development should integrate into your firm's overall product offering. Shared services or stand along billable department, relying upon the talent's output and intergrating the offering within the broader eco-system can have an exponential effect on efficiency, quality, speed and Collaboration within the communication flow and operational performance.
Access to data leads to analysis. Analysis leads to insight. Insight leads to determining a more efficient path forward. The more aligned and integrated the data to the business, the more adaptive and nimble the organization.
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In house talent pools can be packaged as an outsourced stand along billable solution. This packaging of the in-house solution can serve not only as an additional revenue source but also serve as a pillar to further increase the market presence of the firm. Part of our review will include current offering, capacity and depth of knowledge within the departmental areas and work with the team to determine if bundling the departmental offering is worth creating a standalone revenue stream.
Value Proposition
We can review the current picture and work with you and your team to define the production possibility curve to find the right balance between in-house production versus outsourced billable hours to maximize the value proposition of the talented team and increase awareness and exposure for future company growth and presence in the market.